It has been years, Microsoft is giving us exciting software, and versions along with effective features and quality functions at one place. It seems Microsoft is home to the users when it comes to using the operating system. It has been often observed that when any particular is using an operating system it prefers the same one. For example, if you have been using Windows for decades then you will prefer Windows and not other operating systems as you are comfortable using the same one.

About Windows Vista Version

Windows Vista brings a graphical interface of Windows Vista which is efficiently modified with the small UI components such as radio buttons, input fields, checkboxes, and loaders. Moreover, Windows Vista has introduced all-new graphical changes such as user interface including 'Windows Aero', Windows Flip 3D effect, Live Thumbnails, Animations, and Glass-like design. The most significant components of Windows Shell are updated like Start Menu, Taskbar, Windows Explorer along with new features and designs.

Windows Vista enables users to search for files and folders faster with instant search results. If we compare Windows XP, there are several new features and programs in Windows Vista such as Windows Desktops Gadgets, Default App Option, Multilingual User Interface, System Performance, Backup, and Restore Utility, Desktop Windows Manager, New Fonts, System Performance, and Security Improvements.

After the release of Windows Vista in 2007, Microsoft has introduced another advanced version called Windows Vista. If we compare Windows Vista to any other version there are a lot more new things the user can experience. As it has been consistent in delivery power back features, Microsoft has always something new to introduce. It started from Windows 95 and now it has reached all new heights with lots of software and their uncountable features. Let's find out exactly what Windows Vista has got for the users. To know more about System Thread Exception Not Handled Blue Screen Error, drop down to our ISO River page for the detailed insights.

Download Windows Vista ISO from here.

Features of Windows Vista

It brings a lot of features options to the users to get the workflow smooth and efficient. Let's discuss the features of Windows Vista.

  • Windows Vista ISO has the ability to store the backup and restore it whenever the user demands to get back the files. The Backup and Restore feature of Windows Vista ISO has high quality and can keep the back to maximum. This feature has strong security so the user's data is under high security and in a protected place.
  • This feature of Windows Sidebar is only available on desktop. The sidebar is the exact reflection of the taskbar. The gadget provides quick and handy information, entertainment options and also gives access to useful tools such as weather, clock display, calculator, calendar, weather, media player, CPU meter, headlines, slideshows, and mini puzzle games. The Sidebar feature allows the user to customize the gadgets with the help of the Internet. This is a highly beneficial feature as it brings a lot of opportunities for the user regarding the work.
  • Windows Vista ISO offers a quick desktop search program that forms an index of data stored in the operating system. The user easily gives a search to email, local hard drives, websites, and other sources without minimizing the current document or a browser. So the user can work on multiple screens at the same time.

Steps to Activate Windows Vista

Activating Windows Vista is an easy task. As this version of Vista is lightweight in size, it usually does not take much time for the activation. If you are activating the Windows Vista online, you must have a strong internet connection. We would suggest you to carefully follow the below steps for the successful activation of Windows Vista version.

  • Open 'My Computer'.
  • Click System Properties on the toolbar, and Click here to activate Windows in the activation area.
  • If it is asking for the administrator password or verification, type password and click Continue to proceed further.
  • The user gets a choice to select the Windows Vista activation method. Follow the instructions accordingly.

We hope that you are satisfied with the information we have delivered to you. If you want to download Windows Vista Edition ISO, then you should know the techniques of Windows Vista Edition ISO. Learn about Windows Vista Edition ISO and keep your operating system up-to-date. If you have any queries regarding the download of Windows Vista Edition ISO you can drop down your concern in the comment section and we will get back with the solution in minimum time.

W indows Vista activation is one of the hardest piracy protection system to bypass and crack. Since the official release of Windows Vista backed in January, hackers have evolved and created newer and newer crack methods that allows user to more reliably crack, bypass and remove Vista activation requirement. The cracks used include the early frankenbuild method, KMS activation, stop activation countdown timer method to later software-based Paradox OEM BIOS emulation (also known as softmod and Vista Loader), and hardware-level OEM BIOS mod. However, there is no easy way to remove or uninstall these cracks applied, until the release of VOATK Tools.

For some reasons such as decided to buy genuine Windows Vista license key or want to try other crack to activate Windows Vista, you will usually need to remove and uninstall the existing crack that been applied on the system first before applying the new patch. VOATK Tools is an all-in-one (AIO) utility that combines all activation tools under single interface, including ability to disable and remove several popular activation cracks on Vista computer.

How to Uninstall and Remove Vista Crack

  • Download VOATK Tools.
  • Unpack the archive and run the "voatktoolsv.2.2_stand_alone.exe" as administrator.
  • Type "3" to select "Uninstall Vista Crack (Softmode1, VistaLoader, VistaBoot, TimeStop and Paradox)" and then press Enter.
  • If you're prompted to disable UAC, type Y and press Enter. You will need to reboot your PC and redo the process.

VOATK Tools able to remove and uninstall almost 90% of the current Windows Vista activation cracks, such as TimeStop, Paradox, SoftMode1, VistaLoader, VistaBoot. Most other cracks, especially those so called one-click activators such as Windows Vista All Versions Activator FF2. from duffyduck, Windows Vista Activation and OEM Information Activator by StR0, activator from clony BENSSB, and various other cloned and imitated Windows Vista activators or one click activators are based on Paradox OEM Emulation Toolkit or Vista Loader, which emulate OEM BIOS with software patch. The activator cracks modified MBR, BootMgr and/or registry to trick Windows Vista into thinking that it's loading on an OEM machine. The modified MBR, BootMgr and/or registry will be repaired and crack files will be removed if necessary by VOATK Tools automatically.

Microsoft calls it a 'hack,' researcher, a 'documented feature'

Senior Reporter, Computerworld |

Windows Vista can be run for at least a year without being activated, a serious end run around one of Microsoft Corp.'s key antipiracy measures, Windows expert Brian Livingston said today.

Livingston, who publishes the Windows Secrets newsletter, said that a single change to Vista's registry lets users put off the operating system's product activation requirement an additional eight times beyond the three disclosed last month. With more research, said Livingston, it may even be possible to find a way to postpone activation indefinitely.

"The [activation] demands that Vista puts on corporate buyers is much more than on XP," said Livingston. "Vista developers have [apparently] programmed in back doors to get around time restrictions for Vista activation."

Microsoft promptly labeled the registry change a "hack," a loaded word that is usually synonymous with "illegal."

"Recently it has been reported that an activation hack for Microsoft's Windows Vista operating system has been identified," said David Lazar, the director of the company's Genuine Windows program, in an e-mail. "Although these reports are purely speculative at the moment, we are actively monitoring attempts to steal Microsoft intellectual property."

"This is not a hack," Livingston shot back when Lazar's e-mail was read to him. "This is a documented feature of the operating system." To back up his view, Livingston pointed out links to online support documents where Microsoft spells out the pertinent registry key. Nor is it speculative; Livingston demonstrated the procedure live via a Web conference session today and claimed "we have run this dozens of times."

Livingston last month revealed that a one-line command lets users postpone Vista activation up to three times. Combined with Vista's initial 30-day grace period, that meant users could run Vista for as long as 120 days before they had to activate the OS. At the time, Microsoft seemed unconcerned with the disclosure and flatly stated that using it would not violate the Vista End User License Agreement (EULA).

"The feature that I'm revealing today shows that Microsoft has built into Vista a function that allows anyone to extend the operating system's activation deadline not just three times, but many times," Livingston said.

Microsoft documented the key on its support site in a description of what it calls "SkipRearm". In it, Microsoft explains that "rearming a computer restores the Windows system to the original licensing state. All licensing and registry data related to activation is either removed or reset. Any grace period timers are reset as well."

By changing the SkipRearm key's value from the default "0" to "1," said Livingston, the earlier-revealed "slmgr -rearm" command can be used over and over.

In tests with several editions of Vista purchased at different times, Livingston found that copies of Vista Ultimate and Vista Home Premium obtained at the end of January would accept the SkipRearm change only eight times. Together with the three postponements made possible with slmgr -rearm and the opening 30-day grace period, that would give users nearly a year (360 days) of activation-free use. A copy of Vista Home Basic bought March 14, however, ignored the SkipRearm registry change.

"Microsoft has slipstreamed something into Home Basic and Home Premium," Livingston said. "But from my reading of the support documents, Microsoft needs to keep this feature in its business editions, Vista Business, Enterprise and Ultimate. It seems that Microsoft is sympathetic to enterprises' difficulty in rolling out Vista within the activation deadlines."

Lazar did not answer several questions e-mailed to him today, including one that asked why Microsoft had included the SkipRearm feature in the first place. However, he indicated that the feature could be blocked if Microsoft desired. "It is important to note that these hacks are, at best, temporary. Microsoft has systems in place to detect and block piracy."

"This is somewhat of a threat to Microsoft," Livingston said. "But the extent to what it can retroactively patch, I don't know. Maybe they will want to change this. But that would only call more attention to activation and perhaps reveal the mechanism Vista is using to count SkipRearm."

Livingston has not been able to find where Vista stores the SkipRearm count; conceivably, that count is what restricts its use to a maximum of eight. If someone was to find the count location, however, and manage to change that as well as the SkipRearm registry key, users might be able to postpone activation forever, said Livingston.

"The problem I see with this is that unscrupulous system builders will use it [to install counterfeit copies of Vista], but that Vista will start demanding activation a year or more out, when the guy is long gone with your money," said Livingston. "And then the activation key wouldn't work because he would have used it on hundreds or even thousands of systems and Microsoft would have blocked it."

Microsoft introduced product activation in 2001's Office XP and also used it in that year's Windows XP. Activation was toughened up for Vista, however. After the grace period, nonactivated PCs running Vista drop into what Microsoft calls "reduced functionality" mode. In reduced mode, users can only browse the Web with Internet Explorer, and then only for an hour before being forced to again log on.

Livingston's work-around, however, may do away with activation altogether. "[Activation] has become so convoluted, the way Microsoft has implemented it, that it's more of an irritation to legitimate users than a worthwhile antipiracy measure," Livingston concluded.

Naturally, Microsoft's Lazar sees it differently. "The new antipiracy technologies in Windows Vista are designed to protect customers and prevent the software from working correctly when it is not genuine and properly licensed," he said. "Systems utilizing these hacks will not provide the benefits of genuine Windows, nor will they work as expected."

Related News and Discussion:

Senior Reporter Gregg Keizer covers Windows, Office, Apple/enterprise, web browsers and web apps for Computerworld.

Let's suppose that you have a licensed copy of an Windows Vista/7 but lately you have installed-activated/uninstalled it for several times. At some point the Microsoft Activation Server just get bored and says "OK, if you want me to activate your license then please pick up the phone and call me!".

What if you get bored (or you are just lazy) to call Microsoft and to justify yourself and to ask them "Please, can you activate the copy that I bought legally? Yes, I have an invoice, in fact I have 10 invoices because it happens that I bought more copies than I'm using right now. No, I'm not a software theft, I cross my heart and hope to die!"

Well, in that situation (let me make myself clear: when you both have the legal right to use that piece of software and you don't break the EULA) you could just try to exploit one of the Windows Vista/7 weaknesses. In fact you could try to exploit more than one, I'm sure they are. In plain English you bypass Windows Vista product activation 🙂

So you got a message like the one below (or similar):

How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

Windows Activation – choose "..with reduced functionality"

I would recommend you to follow the steps already described here and/or here. You can even try the method presented here. Maybe it works in your case. The things are so complicated nowadays, we are so many people, we have so many systems, we deal with so many different situations, multiply all of these and you will got a million billion trillion zillion squillion different problems, isn't it?

Note that all these methods are just a temporary way of avoiding your Windows Vista/7 license activation. Never consider them a permanent solution.

If you are interested on Windows XP license activation you could read also an article I wrote about this.

[!] WARNING [!]

I would not recommend to anyone to try this procedure to gain the access to use an unlicensed copy of Windows. In fact, when dealing with licensed software (like Windows), I would strongly recommend you to contact your software provider to ask it if you are allowed to do something like that or not. I wrote this article only for myself for research/educational purposes.

Now, if you think that this article was interesting don't forget to rate it. It shows me that you care and thus I will continue write about these things.

Full Software Download for PC

Windows Vista is an obviously old Windows Versions. But is amazing for slow or old Computers, as it is lightning fast, smooth and easy to use. You can use this Windows Versions on personal PCs involving home as well as business, tablet PCs, laptops, and media center Computers.

How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

Microsoft has released other Latest Versions of Windows but Windows Vista is more basic one. Windows Vista contains a lot of features like an updated graphical user interface along with visual style named Aero, a new search element named Windows Search, redesigned networking, audio, print and display sub-systems, and new multimedia tools such as Windows DVD Maker.

Windows Vista Key Features

  • Lightning fast, smooth, easy to use and eye-catching.
  • Size is small than other Latest Windows Versions.
  • Best for older PCs.
  • Windows Search is improved.
  • Windows Sidebar
  • Windows Defender
  • Performance Center
  • Backup and Restore
  • Network Map
  • Windows ReadyBoost
  • Windows ReadyDrive
  • Windows Media Center

Windows Vista Activation

This Windows Vista Activator will activate Windows Vista genuinely without the help of any serial numbers. As it is loaded with much of latest Serial Numbers for Windows Vista.

You are few steps away, follow the following steps.

  1. Download Windows Vista Activator
  2. Extract it or open it with Winrar.
  3. Open Windows Vista Developer Activation.exe
  4. Click continue and install it simply.


If you are using Windows Vista, knowing that your PC can supports for Windows 10. Don't think about any thing. Jut install Windows 10.

If your Computer does not support for Windows 10 then you might upgrade to Windows 7. It is more stable windows version than Windows Vista.

Microsoft will reportedly announce Home windows 9 this fall, Russian hacker group WZor stated on a discussion board last week, following the launch of Home windows eight.1 Update 2, which would be the last major replace Windows 8 will receive. Install them and reboot LAPTOP. Re-run the command line (with administrative privileges) noted above, reboot again, and re-try the activation. Simply spent an hour on the cellphone with Microsoft trying to validate my Windows7 improve key on a clean install on my MacBookPro. If you have any thoughts relating to wherever and how to use windows 8.1 product key, you can make contact with us at the internet site. Most activators for Home windows 7 ask you to go through a number of steps before the activation is confirmed.

MAK activation is reserved for special situations where a Duke consumer can not connect to a Duke community recurrently for an extended period of time. As soon as a machine is activated, it should try to speak with the identical KMS each 7 days to resume it is activation; resetting its license counter back to one hundred eighty days. For that reason, students graduating or otherwise leaving Duke might want to plan to buy personal copies of Home windows from the Duke Technology Middle for $15 earlier than they leave Duke. Private licenses of Home windows may be bought from the Duke Technology Center at a major discount.

Activation should occur in the background and customers shouldn't need to manually course of activation requests to the KMS host. In operation, the KMS consumer makes an attempt to contact a KMS host on startup and once more each Activation Interval minutes upon failure. When KMS activation succeeds, the shopper receives and shops the KMS host's Renewal Interval, and Home windows activates for one hundred eighty days. After 15 minutes, the system stops monitoring for qualifying events but nonetheless attempts every Activation Interval minutes.

These are the most common fears dominating the mind of a person who's going to use a Home windows 7 activation device. However, we can guarantee that our activation instrument for Home windows 7 is completely secure and free from any type of virus or malware. The one end result you're going to get is a completely-functional and correctly activated Home windows 7 OS in your computer.

Finally, chances are you'll end up with a volume license which makes it possible to install Home windows on a number of machines at once. The Windows 7 household pack is a good example of this; the activation keys that come with the household pack can be used on three computers concurrently. Unfortunately, there isn't a Microsoft tool that lets you take away your Home windows activation from a computer after getting installed the working system.

How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

VOATK Tools 2.2 Features

  1. Windows Vista License and Windows Vista Key Tools – used for general licensing purpose
    • display Windows Vista license information
    • display your Windows Vista product key
    • display expiration date for current license
    • clear product key from the registry (prevents disclosure attacks)
    • reinstall system license file
    • check a Vista product Key
    • uninstall Windows Vista product key
  2. Change Windows Vista Edition, OEM or Retail – used for Vista crack recovery

Some Windows Vista cracks change the installed Vista edition in order to work, with this application you can change it back to your original Windows Vista Edition. You can also easily upgrade or downgrade your Windows Vista edition, ie. from upgrade from Windows Vista Home Premium to Ultimate, by replacing the tokens.dat with selected version and input appropriate key. But remember that you will need a functioning valid product key for validation. Feature supporting:

  • Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Enterprise, Ultimate edition (See Windows Vista features comparison)
  • Retail and OEM version
  • Repair the tokens.dat file
  • Uninstall Vista Crack -used to remove old or unwanted Windows Vista cracks

    You probably had crack Windows Vista with really old method, or expired method, or have found out and moved on to more fail-safe method. Best of all, you may decided to buy genuine Windows Vista, but don't want to reinstall the OS again. In this case, VOATK Tools version 2.2 can deinstall damage done by following Windows Vista activators:

    • SoftMode1
    • SoftMode2 aka VistaLoader
    • VistaBoot
    • Paradox
    • TimeStop32 and TimeStop64, applied also by TimerLock.
    • Frankenbuild, see VOATK TOOLS V2.2 HELP AND FAQ (item h)
  • Change or Remove OEM Info Values in the System Properties folder – used for Vista touch up

    The following values can be changed or added:

    • Manufacturer, Model, Support Website, Support Hours, Support Phone Number
  • Windows Vista Activation Report

    The report created will give you detailed information about:

    • Windows Vista Activation Status
    • Windows Vista Product Key
    • Windows Vista Build Number
    • Windows Vista Product ID
    • Windows Vista License Status
    • Windows Vista Platform
    • Windows Vista Description
    • Installed Windows Vista Edition
    • Installed Windows Vista Activators
  • Rearm Windows Vista – used to get another 30 days time for activating Vista, useful for disaster recovery especially when you are unable to boot up / start Windows Vista or stuck in Reduced Functionality Mode (Guide: how to recover from Reduced Functionality Mode).
  • Ready to Use – Stand Alone
    • no installation required on your hard disk
    • runs from an USB stick
    • runs from the Vista Recovery Console
    • runs from the Reduced Functionality Mode
  • Download VOATK Tools 2.2 (no longer available).

    VOATK Tools Installation and Usage Instructions

    This is a quickie recipe explaining exactly what the slmgr command and options do. This is very useful for a corporate or home business or power user. Lets take a look!

    Everyone by now knows about Vista and its updated activation scheme. Basically, each Vista install CD/DVD can be ran w/o a key as a trial version. After the 30 day trial expires, Vista will enter RFM mode (reduced function mode) and eventually will start disabling OS components/features.

    Most corporate environments will most likely want to have a more centralized way to handle activation (vs going to each pc, activating each one) since corp builds of the OS will not allow installs without having to activate. Lets dig into the SLMGR command and see what things we can learn about Vista and its activation.

    1. Hold down the Win Key + R to bring up the Run box. Type CMD to get up our ever classic command prompt.

    (if you are not an admin, you will need to run the command prompt as admin by going to Start Menu > All Programs > Accessories, then right click on Command Prompt and go to Run As . Choose an admin account and password and run.

    2. you can run the slmgr command like this: slmgr [machinename [user pass]] [option]
    you can find info/activate both locally and on a remote pc (ie slmgr vista2 administrator password -dli)

    by default, if you do not specify a machinename and user pass you will check the current pc your running command prompt on. we will only concentrate on the local pc and not use a machinename or account

    if you get an error, 'slmgr' is not a recognized as an internal or external command….. , you may have to change to the system32 folder. use these commmands:
    type: cd
    type: cd windowssystem32

    your prompt should change to C:windowssystem32>

    slmgr command and options:

    slmgr -dli (this will display the current activation/licensing info of the pc your on)

    slmgr -ipk xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx (allows you to replace the current product key with the specified)

    slmgr -xpr (shows expiration date of current license)

    slmgr -upk (uninstalls current product key and i would assume puts license back to trial state)

    slmgr -ato (activates current pc's license)

    slmgr -skms activationservername
    slmgr -skms port
    slmgr -skms activationservername:port (sets KMS server used for activation and/or port, ie slmgr -skms or slmgr -skms KMSServer:8090)

    slmgr -rearm (resets the licensing status of the machine)

    slmgr -ckms (clears the name of KMS server used to default and port to default)

    So you could basically create batch files for a corp/network environment and then have each copy use the Corp key information to install the product key, change the activation/kms name in Vista to the centralized one, and then activate the copy of Vista back to the registered KMS server.

    Hopefully you now can have more control and info on your Vista's license status and activation.

    March 16, 2016 By CoderGirl

    How To Disable Windows 10 Automatic Activation Feature: – If you have installed your Windows 10 version from a USB drive, an ISO image or a DVD without using a valid product key, you might be aware that you are using a trial version which is valid only for thirty days. If that's the case, you will be required to uninstall the version once the trial period expires. Or you can always opt to activate your windows 10 using a valid product key. As long as you don't activate your windows 10 and is currently running the windows 10 trial version, windows will remind you that you need to activate the version by entering the product key in order to keep using it.

    The automatic activation popups are shown to trial version users at regular intervals of time. This can be helpful for some users who are quite forgetful about events. But this constant nagging can irritate some others who are well aware that they should activate their windows version before the trial period expires. So as you might have guessed, this article is about how to turn off the automatic activation feature in windows 10 such that it will not pester you with automatic activation popups again. Read on, to learn how to hack this simple trick. But before all that, creating a system restore point is highly recommended, as a precaution.

    STEP 1

    • Since changes are to be made to the registry editors, we need to launch the regedit program. For that, simply start typing regedit into your search box. From the search results that appear, click on the regedit program.

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    STEP 2

    • A new window for Registry Editor opens up. You need to navigate to the following path to make the changes.
    • For that, first click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    STEP 3

    • As next, click on Software under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    STEP 4

    • Under Software key, scroll through the keys to find the entry named Microsoft. Click on it.

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    STEP 5

    • Click on Windows NT and then on CurrentVersion as shown in the screenshot.

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    STEP 6

    • Scroll down to find SoftwareProtectionPlatform. Under SoftwareProtectionPlatform, click on Activation.

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    STEP 7

    • In the right window pane, you will now be able to find an entry named Manual. This is the registry editor that needs to be changed to disable the Automatice activation feature in Windows 10. So, double click on the entry named Manual to edit its value data. By default, the value in the value data field will be 0. Change the value data to 1 and hit OK button once you are done.

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    That's it. If you still get automatic activation alerts from windows, just reboot your system so that the changes will take over. Hope you found the article useful.

    A girl so much in love with the idea of writing and learning new computer tricks!

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    Supported Mac OS: Mac OS X 10.9 and above

    Supported Windows OS: Windows XP, 7, vista, 8, 10

    Multiple Language Support: English and Japanese(日本語).

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    Remove all kinds of lock screen passcodes, 4-digit passcode, 6 digit passcode, Touch ID as well as Face ID.

    Bypass the lock screen passcode from disabled, passcode-forgotten or broken screen iPhone.

    Unlock Apple ID from any activated iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch without using a password.

    Remove Screen Time passcode without any data loss on iPhone and iPad.

    Unlock a disabled iPhone without iTunes or iCloud.

    Factory reset iPhone/iPad without passwode.

    Get rid of the iCloud activation lock on iPhone or iPad.

    Compatible with all iOS versions and devices, including iPhone 11/11 Pro/11 Pro Max, running iOS 13.5.

    Easy to use & User-friendly software interface.

    Step 1. Install the UkeySoft Unlocker

    Download and install the UkeySoft Unlocker on your Windows or Mac computer. Launch it and choose "Unlock Screen Passcode" to initiate iPhone screen passcode unlocking process.

    Step 2. Connect Disabled iPhone to PC

    Next, connect your disabled iPhone to computer with USB cable .

    Step 3. Boot iPhone into Recovery Mode

    To remove iPhone lock screen, you need follow the on-screen instructions to boot your disabled iPhone into Recovery mode.

    Step 4. Download the Latest Firmware Package Unlock iCloud iOS 14

    Once your iPhone is in Recovery mode, the program will display the device model and all available system versions. Choose your preferred version and click "Download" to begin downloading the firmware package. Note that if you have downloaded one, you can select it to start unlocking your disabled iPhone by clicking the Select button at the bottom.

    Step 5. Start to Unlock A Disabled iPhone

    When the firmware is downloaded to computer successfully, you can click "Start Unlock" to start removing the screen passcode from your disabled iPhone.

    The process will only last a few minutes before your iPhone is unlocked successfully. Please note that the unlocking process will also erase your iPhone data.

    Step 1. Launch UkeySoft Unlocker on PC or Mac

    Open the UkeySoft Unlocker on your computer then click on the "Unlock Apple ID" function.

    Step 2. Connect iPhone to Computer

    Next, connect your iPhone to your PC via USB cable and press the Trust button (if prompted).

    Step 3. Start Unlocking Apple ID

    On UkeySoft Unlocker, click on the Start button to initiate the Apple ID removal process. If "Find My iPhone" has been disabled on iPhone, the Apple ID removal process will start instantly.

    Just in a few seconds, your iPhone will be reset and the Apple ID will be removed successfully.

    Bypasses Windows Vista Genuine Advantage

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    Hacking the Windows Vista activation process is the latest trend in cracking procedures for the Microsoft operating system. Just today I distinguished yet another crack method that stands up from the amorphous mass of hacks, cracks, workarounds and tricks designed to circumvent, disable, skip, postpone or mirror the Windows Vista activation. From the "frankenbuild" crack to a spoofed online KMS server and to a local KMS server, the activation hacks aim to extend, rearm or copy the genuine Windows Vista activation process.

    The latest crack method involves permanently stopping the countdown timer integrated in the operating system. Microsoft delivers Vista as a fully functional product for a 30 day trial period. Following that, an inactivated operating system will go into reduced functionality mode.

    "The Time Stop Vista test crack works on all 32-bit x86 Windows Vista edition such as Vista Ultimate and Vista Home Premium. Success rate in 64-bit (x64) environment is likely to be low. The crack will make the time left to activate Vista to become always 43200 minutes (30 days), and will not countdown or reduce," reads a fragment of the crack.

    Unlike other alternatives, this activation crack does not require the user to introduce a product key. "It's possible to access Windows Update if you install Windows Vista with default product key (no product key entered when installation). During the first 3 days of activation grace period after installing Windows Vista, Microsoft has designed it in such a way that Vista will allow greatest flexibility for users to install required drivers and application during this period, so Vista won't prompt any reminder message for activation. After crack, Vista OS will always run with 30 days left for activation, thus there will not be any watermark or reminder to activate," is further explained in the crack.

    According to the Time Stop Vista activation crack, the method will bypass Windows Genuine Advantage validation, because Microsoft will not be able to differentiate between genuine inactivated copies of Vista and those that have been cracked.

    UPDATE: Softpedia does not provide links to cracks or illegal sources of pirated software!

    Posted on November 7, 2018 by Bill Gates in Windows XP // 21 Comments

    If you like this video and you want to subscribe, please, DO NOT SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL, but subscribe to my main channel:

    Check out this nifty video tutorial that will show you how to bypass Windows operating systems without a product key. You do not need the product key to get Windows Vista, Windows Seven, or Windows XP activated. For activation, just follow these simple steps!

    Music: Take That – Shine

    Note. THIS IS NOT Windows Vista. It's an…

    • windows xp hacking tricks
    • windows xp hacks
    • windows xp tips and tricks
    • windows xp transformation
    • windows xp tricks
    • windows xp tutorial

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    21 Comments on How to bypass Windows Vista, XP, or 7's activation without any downloads or product keys!

    It works! Thank you very much. Plus i was able to activate my home basic windows vista with this video
    im able to use my old laptop again! thanks to you.

    It immediately logged off when I shut internet explorer down.

    Wait a second, It's called Windows 7 Ultimate but it's a build of Windows Vista

    My system not virtual machine no straight hhd configure how to activate

    Go to google search Vanskeys to get 100% genuine product key.

    Do you recommend to keep win7 disconnected from the internet?

    I watched this video and i spammed keys and it said "skip" lol don't need this video xD but I still liked

    Go to google search Vanskeys to get genuine windows key.

    thank you so much

    You said for windows xp
    theres no way to do that on windows xp

    go here in run
    Windows NT
    OOBETimer works on all systems but mainly for xp type HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE find and find the last file in here and type FF D5 71 D6 8B 6A 8D 6F
    D5 33 93 FD in the last file im not a hacker just open source thx

    thx worked for me- vista on vm ware

    ahhhhhh what the hell windows vista and winver say windows 7 mine blown

    did not show me anything. I do not have a virtual machine. I have a new computer build and I ran the windows 7 install disc and towards the end it tells me to type in the product code. It refuses to let me proceed until I put in a code. How do I by-pass this so I can finish the install? I will use watremovaltool after I get windows 7 to fully install and see the trash icon on the desktop. Anyone care to help?

    on windows vista , 7 , 8 , 8.1 , 10 i can use the desktop , but on xp , it closes every 30-60 seconds

    Windows Vista home premium activiation key!Where i can get?

    Song in the opening? been looking for it. is it called "Da hood?'

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    Any good tools to bypass activation for Vista Builds (5xxx)?

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    Any good tools to bypass activation for Vista Builds (5xxx)?

    Post by Courage » Sun Dec 16, 2012 12:32 pm

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    Re: Any good tools to bypass activation for Vista Builds (5x

    Post by ViennaXP » Sun Dec 16, 2012 12:44 pm

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    Re: Any good tools to bypass activation for Vista Builds (5x

    Post by Rob Jansen » Sun Dec 16, 2012 2:14 pm

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    Re: Any good tools to bypass activation for Vista Builds (5x

    Post by starcraft » Sun Dec 16, 2012 2:33 pm

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    Re: Any good tools to bypass activation for Vista Builds (5x

    Post by Courage » Sun Dec 16, 2012 2:36 pm

    Re: Any good tools to bypass activation for Vista Builds (5x

    Post by hounsell » Sun Dec 16, 2012 6:50 pm

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    Re: Any good tools to bypass activation for Vista Builds (5x

    Post by f0x » Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:41 am

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    Re: Any good tools to bypass activation for Vista Builds (5x

    Post by Courage » Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:51 am

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    Re: Any good tools to bypass activation for Vista Builds (5x

    Post by AlphaBeta » Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:09 pm

    AlphaBeta, stop brainwashing me immediately!

    Re: Any good tools to bypass activation for Vista Builds (5x

    Post by Lukas Marsik » Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:22 pm

    Re: Any good tools to bypass activation for Vista Builds (5x

    Post by 900dogs » Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:14 pm

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    Re: Any good tools to bypass activation for Vista Builds (5x

    Post by Courage » Tue Dec 18, 2012 8:08 am

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    Re: Any good tools to bypass activation for Vista Builds (5x

    Post by th1r5bvn23 » Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:22 am

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    Re: Any good tools to bypass activation for Vista Builds (5x

    Post by giantsteen » Mon Dec 24, 2012 2:21 pm

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    If you've installed Windows 7 (or Vista) but still don't have a product key, you'll eventually end up with an activation nag screen and "reduced functionality" until you get a proper key. Still not ready to buy? Temporarily bypass the problem instead.

    Tech weblog UneasySilence details how to use the previously mentioned rearm trick to extend your trial period so you can access your installation the same way you had been previously. It's easy to rearm before your trial has expired, but the extra bonus in their post comes in their details for getting to a command prompt (in which you can enter the slmgr -rearm command) once you're stuck in reduced functionality mode.

    Run Windows 7 for 120 Days Without Activation

    If you like to keep multiple Windows installations running for software testing or go-to backup…

    • On the Windows Activation, click on Access your computer with reduced functionality option.
    • Once the Internet Explorer loads, click on File on [the] menu bar and then select Open on the pull-down menu.
    • On the Open dialog window, type in C:WindowsExplorer.exe and then click OK.
    • Click OK button on "IE needs to open a new window to open this webpage" confirmation prompt.
    • Click Run button on "File Download – Security Warning" dialog prompt.
    • Click on Run button on "File Download – Security Warning" warning dialog related to unknown and not verified publisher.
    • User shell will load, and the desktop, taskbar, start menu and etc will be restored.

    Once the shell loads, you can fire up the command prompt and continue with the same old rearm trick we've covered before. Keep in mind that while this trick is a nice workaround if you want or need to extend your activation period and access your data for a bit longer, it'll only work for a couple of rearmings (120 days). If you've been using the old rearm trick in your Windows 7 installation, let's hear how it's working for you in the comments.

    Via the combination of slmgr.vbs -rearm and SkipRearm

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    The Initial Grace period of Windows Vista can be prolonged up to 120 days by simply entering the slmgr.vbs -rearm command in the command prompt window. In this manner, users will be able to extend the initial 30 days Windows Vista testing time frame up to three times. But at the end of 120 days of prolonged initial grace, users will have to activate the operating system as Windows Vista will automatically move into reduced functionality mode.

    Microsoft considers this move perfectly legal and in accordance with the Windows Vista end user agreement. Furthermore, the Redmond Company also provides documentation on this option on the Vista Volume Activation 2.0 support website.

    However, Microsoft has taken the flexibility it allows for the Windows Vista activation process one step further. In this respect, one overlooked command, also documented by Microsoft, is SkipRearm.

    "SkipRearm specifies whether to run the Windows Software Licensing Rearm program. Rearming a computer restores the Windows system to the original licensing state. All licensing and registry data related to activation is either removed or reset. Any grace period timers are reset as well," revealed Microsoft.

    Rearming is a procedure that is supported by all the editions of the Windows Vista operating system, according to Microsoft. Let's read between the lines for a minute. Via these two workarounds, users could postpone the activation of Windows Vista indefinitely. The combination of slmgr.vbs -rearm and SkipRearm will continually prolong the Windows Vista initial grace period by 30 days and also perpetually restore the operating system to the original testing licensing state.

    The key to this is the following registry key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion SL" You will be able to find it by entering "regedit" in the Start Menu Search Box and in the Registry Editor navigate your way to the key mentioned above.

    Here, if you right-click the Registry Key named SkipRearm and the select Edit, you will be able to access the Dword value that will have a certain hex value. Here are the values information provided by Microsoft:

    0 – Specifies that the computer will be rearmed, restoring the computer to the original, out-of-box state. All activation-related licensing and registry data is removed or reset, and any grace period timers are also reset. This is the default value. 1 – Specifies that the computer will not be rearmed and the computer will not be restored to its original, out-of-box state. All activation-related licensing and registry data will remain and will not be reset. Similarly, any grace period timers will not be reset.

    I think you can take it from here. It's as intuitive as it gets. If you can't, then this is not for you, don't even bother.

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  • How to bypass Windows Vista, XP, or 7's activation without any keys!

    How to bypass Windows Vista, XP, or 7's activation without any keys!

    Monday, September 14, 2009

    How to bypass Window Vista activation

    In this post, i will show windows vista, and next post will be microsoft office 2007.
    not supposed to release them actually
    as they are against the copyrights of microsoft
    those who got problem can PM me

    1. 1st of coz is to download the windows vista. There are a lot of sources from the internet. E.G i gave her is Vista Link. Some torrent includes crack in it. Here i show the guide for those which are not included.
    2. 2nd is to install the vista by burning the vista into a dvd, and boot from ur pc. On the boot screen of ur computer, press F8, F10 or F2 according to different computers to find ur boot system.
    3. follow the steps to install windows vista. There will be a page requesting for ur serial number. Just skip it by pressing cancel and type them later. Choose the windows vista u want. Normally is ULTIMATE of coz.
    4. Continue installing. Format might be needed to ur disk.
    5. When u enter vista upon completion of the installation. Right click "My Computer" and choose properties. At the bottom of the page, there will be an activation status.
    6. Before activated, the status showed is windows need to be activated and how many days left before activation.
    7. There are a lot of ways to activate windows. Including time stopping, changing registry and paradox vista activation. The 1 i showing here, is by using "vista loader". download HERE.
    8. Before u activate, u must off the "user account control". Click windows button(start menu) on the bottom left of ur screen. Click ur picture on the top left of the bar.
    9. Here are the settings for ur user ccount. Choose the last option which is "turn user account control off or on". UNTICK the box. Restart pc might be required.
    10. After restart, continue to the file u downloaded.
    11. There are few files inside this vista loader. The most important file is install.cmd. Double click it. Then restart ur computer and u are done. ^^
    12. Right click MY COMPUTER and check properties for the status again.


    Fantastic ! ! So Far. Hope it works after 30 days. Thank You.

    This design is wicked! You certainly know how to keep a reader entertained.
    Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start my own blog (well, almost.
    ..HaHa!) Fantastic job. I really enjoyed what you had to say, and more than that, how you presented it.
    Too cool!

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    By: GH Admin | Last Updated: 06/01/2017

    Most of you might be aware of the fact that it is possible to use Windows 7 and Vista for 120 days without activation. This is actually possible using the slmgr -rearm command which will extend the grace period from 30 days to 120 days.

    However, in this post I will show you a small trick using which it is possible to use Windows 7 without activation for approximately an year! Here is a way to do that.

    Step-1: Go to "Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories".

    Right click on the "Command Prompt" and select "Run as Administrator". If you are not the administrator, then you are prompted to enter the password, or else you can proceed to step-2.

    Step-2: Now type the following command and hit Enter:

    Step-3: You will be prompted to restart the computer. Once restarted, the trial period will once again be reset to 30 days. You can use the above command for up to 3 times by which you can extend the trial period to 120 days without activation.

    Step-4: Now comes the actual trick by which you can extend the trial period for another 240 days. To do this, open the Registry Editor (type regedit in "Run" and hit Enter) and navigate to the following location:

    Step-5: In the right-side pane, change value of SkipRearm to 1.

    Step-6: Now, you should be able to use the slmgr -rearm command for another 8 times so that you can skip the activation process for another 240 days. So you will get 120 + 240 = 360 days of free Windows 7 usage.

    I hope you like this post. Please pass your comments…

    Recent Comments

    Saturday, December 16, 2006

    How To Bypass Windows Vista Activation Crack with Future Date Installation

    This method is not a new trick or hack to crack or bypass Windows Vista activation requirement which has been made harder to crack by Microsoft. The steps to install Windows Vista in future date has previously been published. However the method is again made famous by the release of pirated Windows Vista retail DVD in Thailand. The illegal copies of Windows Vista Ultimate is sold only for $5.00 or less in high scale shopping mall in Bangkok, compared with official retail price at $400, with the DVD contains fully functional RTM final release, virus-free version of Windows Vista which is same as Vista downloaded from P2P network, and can be used to install Vista Basic, Vista Premium, Vista Business or Vista Ultimate.

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation
    According to the Windows Vista pirated DVD, Windows Vista activation can be bypassed and cracked by installing Windows Vista in future date as detailed in the guide below. There is no product key needed.

    1. Purchase your Windows Vista DVD or download MSDN release version of Windows Vista.
    2. If you download Windows Vista RTM Build 6000 ISO, burn it to DVD.
    3. Disconnect or disable Internet connection or simply unplug the cable.
    4. Set the date to year 2099 in the BIOS (or whatever the maximum year the the BIOS capable to set). Check your computer manual on how to access BIOS and change date, normally pressing F2, F10 or Esc will do.
    5. Boot from Windows Vista DVD.
    6. When install Windows Vista, do not enter any product key or serial number. Simply leave the field blank and click Next.
    7. When prompted for confirmation, click 'No'.
    8. Once Windows Vista finishes installing, set back the date to the current time in the Windows Vista desktop.

    The simple hack for the pirated DVD of Windows Vista ends here. However, there are a more comprehensive method to crack Windows Vista activation that immediately follows the tutorial steps above (skip the above time changing step).

    1. When Vista installation is finished, boot up Windows Vista and go to the Windows where you'll required to enter desired account name and password, followed by computer name. Do not enter anything yet, instead press Shift + F10 key together to launch Command Prompt.
    2. In the launched Command Prompt, type "taskmgr" (without the quotes) to launch Task Manager.
    3. In the Task Manager window, go to Processes tab, and locate the program called "msoobe.exe". Select the process and click on "End Process" button to terminate the program.
    4. The Account Creation screen should disappear and the Welcome Screen should appear. Log with a user called "Other User" and then click the arrow button in the right corner, and then click on "Restart" to restart the system.
    5. Upon initial stage of system bootup after restarting, press F8 Key to go to Safe Mode.
    6. In the Safe Mode, go to Start -> Run, and type "control userpasswords2″ (without quotes), and the user accounts setting should appear.
    7. Go to Advanced tab, and in Advanced User Management section click on Advanced.
    8. There will be two folders named Users & Groups. Double click on Users folder then right click on the icon named Administrator, and then unchecked the setting that says "Account Is Disabled".
    9. Click on OK twice to exit. And don't restart the computer.
    10. In the clock and time shown in the Notification Area (System Tray), right click on the Clock and select Adjust Date and Time.
    11. Go to Internet Time tab, and choose Change Settings, then uncheck (untick) Synchronize with an Internet Time Server option.
    12. Click OK to exit.
    13. Restart the computer and boot up to BIOS.
    14. Reset the computer date and year to current year.
    15. Boot up the computer to Windows Vista, you should be able to log on as Administrator.
    16. Go to Start -> Run, and type "winver", then press Enter or click OK.
    17. A window will display and mentioned that the product is licensed to: Windows User.
    18. Beside, in My Computer properties, the computer name will have a randomized name too.
    19. In Windows Explorer, go to Folder Options, and select Show Hidden Files and Folders settings.
    20. Browse to C:Windowssystem32oobe folder.
    21. Locate and Run msoobe.exe by double clicking on it.
    22. Input the desired account name, computer name, date and the time zone.
    23. Windows Vista will then analyze the computer's performance. Wait for the performance check to complete.
    24. Once performance check is complete, go to Start -> Run, and type "control userpasswords2″.
    25. User Accounts window will be launched. Go to Advance, and in Advanced User Management section click on Advanced, and then double click on Users folder.
    26. Right click on Administrator and then select Properties, and check the Account is Disabled option.
    27. Restart the computer
    28. Connect to Internet.
    29. Verify the computer name and winver display. You'll have 30 days activation grace period which expires only at year 2099 (or whatever year you set)

    Whichever bypass or crack method you choose, it's unclear how long the activation will last, as the main pillar of Software Protection Platform (SPP) on Windows Vista, Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) hasn't come into picture and play its part when Vista users check for software updates.

    Disclaimer: This article is for educational and informational purpose only.



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    Just another weblog about Surfing, Computing, and Randomness in General

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    Posted by labrat

    What's the purpose of this release?
    Bypassing the product activation requirement of Microsoft Windows Vista x86.

    How does it work?
    Microsoft allows large hardware manufacturers (e.g. ASUS, HP, Dell) to ship their products containing a Windows Vista installation that does NOT require any kind of product activation as this might be considered an unnecessary inconvenience for the end-user.
    Instead these so-called 'Royalty OEMs' are granted the right to embed certain license information into their hardware products, which can be validated by Windows Vista to make obtaining further activation information (online or by phone) obsolete.
    This mechanism is commonly referred to as 'SLP 2.0′ ('system-locked pre-installation 2.0′) and consists of the following three key elements:

    1. The OEM's hardware-embedded BIOS ACPI_SLIC information signed by Microsoft.

    2. A certificate issued by Microsoft that corresponds to the specific ACPI_SLIC information.

    The certificate is an XML file found on the OEM's installation/recovery media,
    ususally called something like 'oemname.xrm-ms'.

    3. A special type of product key that corresponds to the installed edition of Windows Vista.

    This key can usually be obtained from some installation script found on the OEM's
    installation/recovery media or directly from a pre-installed OEM system.

    If all three elements match Windows Vista's licensing mechansim considers the given
    installation a valid system-locked pre-activated copy (that does not require any
    additional product activation procedures).

    So the basic concept of the tool at hand is to present any given BIOS ACPI_SLIC information to Windows Vista's licensing mechanism by means of a device driver.
    In combination with a matching product key and OEM certificate this allows for rendering any system practically indistinguishable from a legit pre-activated system shipped by the respective OEM.

    How do I use it?
    Preliminary hint:
    Most operations described below require elevated privileges, so disabling UAC (Run->MSCONFIG.EXE->Tools->Disable UAC) for the time being is recommended, Of course, it can be safely re-enabled after all steps have been performed. Otherwise OEMTOOL.EXE and some SLMGR.VBS operations must be explicitly run with adminstrative privileges.

    1. Install the Windows Vista x86 edition of your choice without entering any product key during setup. Basically any Windows Vista x86 installation media will do, regardless if it's MSDN/Retail/OEM/…, MSDN/Retail are recommended though.

    2. Install the emulation driver.

    Run OEMTOOL.EXE, select the OEM BIOS information to emulate (ASUS might be a good choice given the fact that it's the only OEM for which a complete set of product keys is provided ;)) and hit the ' ' button.

    Alternatively you can just right-click the ROYAL.INF file and chose 'Install' from the appearing menu. This only allows for installing the default OEM BIOS information (ASUS) though and is strongly discouraged unless OEMTOOL.EXE fails for some unknown reason.

    When prompted about whether to install an unsigned driver, allow it. (For some odd reason Microsoft didn't wanna sign this one…;))

    3. Reboot your machine.

    4. Install the OEM certificate matching your OEM selection during driver installation by running

    SLMGR.VBS -ilc .XRM-MS

    (e.g. "SLMGR.VBS -ilc C:ASUS.XRM-MS" if you chose to install the default driver and extracted the certificate file to C:)

    Note that this operation might take quite a while depending on your system, so be patient.

    5. Install an OEM product key matching the installed edition of Windows Vista x86 by running

    (e.g. "SLMGR.VBS -ipk 6F2D7-2PCG6-YQQTB-FWK9V-932CC" if you're running Windows Vista Ultimate using the default emulation driver)

    Note that this operation might take quite a while depending on your system, so be patient.

    See PKEYS.TXT for a list of OEM product keys published by different OEMs.

    6. Run 'SLMGR.VBS -dlv' or right-click 'Computer' and chose 'Properties' to verify your licensing status.

    Due to the variety of possible combinations of different earlier Vista activation hacks we're not gonna provide details on 'persuading' existing installations to accept this method.
    During our test the general procedure depicted above worked out fine though, i.e. installing the emulation driver, rebooting the machine and then using the officially documented ways of installing a matching OEM certificate and product key should do the trick in all but the most messed up cases.

    What's that ' ' button in OEMTOOL.EXE for?

    It dumps the BIOS ACPI_SLIC information of any SLP 2.0-enabled OEM system.
    The dump can consecutively be used to emulate ('clone') that information on any other system by specifying the 'Custom' option. Using this function on a system booted using the emulation driver will give a dump identical to the currently emulated OEM BIOS information, so be sure to uninstall the driver and reboot the source machine first if you intend to dump the actual hardware-embedded OEM BIOS data.

    What are all those files for?

    • DIFXAPI.DLL – a runtime dll for Microsoft's DIFx API used by oemtool.exe
    • OEMTOOL.EXE – an application for installing/uninstalling the emulation driver and dumping BIOS ACPI_SLIC information from any SLP 2.0-enabled Windows Vista OEM system
    • PKEYS.TXT – contains a list of validated OEM product keys
    • ROYAL.INF – driver .INF file, can be (ab)used to install the emulation driver in case oemtool.exe fails to perform this task
    • ROYAL.SYS – the emulation device driver
    • CERTSACER.XRM-MS – the certificate that corresponds to the ACPI_SLIC information emulated by the driver when 'Acer' has been selected during driver installation
    • CERTSASUS.XRM-MS – the certificate that corresponds to the ACPI_SLIC information emulated by the driver when 'ASUS' has been selected during driver installation
    • CERTSHEWLETT-PACKARD.XRM-MS – the certificate that corresponds to the ACPI_SLIC information emulated by the driver when 'Hewlett-Packard' has been selected during driver installation
    • CERTSLENOVO.XRM-MS – the certificate that corresponds to the ACPI_SLIC information emulated by the driver when 'Lenovo' has been selected during driver installation

    Download the Paradox Crack or Use the auto-activator. Enjoy.

    Instructions above are straight out of Paradox's nfo file. Want help? Post a comment to the author at the original link and they will try help you out

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    How Some Use Older Windows To Bypass Windows Vista Activation

    In Windows 8 activator that Windows is not genuine and already offers the equipment, you will be given selection to purchase directly from Windows, and make the installed copy they currently valid. You will be given thirty day period to end up buying. If you decide not to buy, you have to uninstall the copy of Windows is not valid, wipe the disc drive and reinstall a newly purchased copy of Windows os. Ideally this should be a copy of Windows that is the same as can replacing.

    I also like how Windows Messenger Live allows anyone to chat in addition to buddies from Yahoo Messenger. This is ideal. Now we lack to have two messenger programs open at as. This helps to clear up system resources and also not clutter the desktop with unwanted crap. Is definitely just approach Microsoft is wanting to dominate the PC world, they are making other messengers obsolete, well ok not obsolete but steer clear of need wireless your yahoo as much and you're using the Microsoft version of messenger program as opposed to Yahoo's.

    Windows password recovery tools are previously used to recover lost user and administrator passwords used to go browsing to Technique systems.Password recovery tools are often called "password cracking" tools since they will be sometimes helpful to "crack" passwords by cyberpunks. Legally cracking your own Windows password is certainly a legitimate practice!

    Microsoft- Maybe Microsoft isn't quite as dominant merely because once was, but is actually always still a truly strong player and still holds a near monopoly in some key software categories. Bill gates was inside a get consumers thinking how the windows activation from Microsoft was superior to anything else offered, with one has been able to change that.

    What are Windows 8.1 Torrent ? They vary, and you may not see all with the signs. Essentially the most common symbol of spyware is pop-up and banner campaigns. Other things you may notice are a definite new toolbar in your browser, that you get redirected to strange websites, or that personal computer becomes very slow. Although these the situation is very annoying, this isn't the worst part!

    Even begin using Vista, you might not able to drive the ultimate version of windows 7 in who's. Therefore, before you select a software version, sun screen lotion and to know whether ought to suitable to use in your system.

    The mentioned is can buy the methods for doing the Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade in your physique. This can you to execute the process successfully.

    Pirates have put together tools to remove and disable Windows Activation …

    Emil Protalinski – Nov 10, 2009 10:22 pm UTC

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    A new activation crack method has been discovered and implemented to bypass Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 activation: remove and disable Windows Activation Technologies (WAT, older versions were referred to as Windows Genuine Advantage). The hack in question works by bypassing activation altogether, and thus does not require a product key. By blocking, preventing, removing, and disabling access to, or the loading of, all activation and licensing related Windows system files, slui.exe (the exe required to activate Windows 7) will fail to start, resulting in the permanent circumvention of Windows activation.

    Still, disabling WAT isn't the end of the story: after the 30-day evaluation period is expired, Windows 7 will still start nagging the user to activate the operating system, the wallpaper will be set to black, and a watermark saying "This copy of Windows is not genuine" will be placed in the bottom right-hand corner. You can continue to use the operating system indefinitely, but the side-effects can be annoying, so pirates have created tools to clean these up.

    Most of the tools support all editions of Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) and Windows Server 2008 R2. In addition to removing and disabling WAT from the Windows system, the tools clean up the side-effects by stopping relevant services and patching certain DLL files.

    During the early days of Windows Vista, pirates also tried to permanently bypass Windows Vista activation by stopping the activation grace period countdown timer. These attempts were foiled by Microsoft with updates to the operating system, and we can expect the same to occur this time around since this method involves patching many system files, especially with the next WAT update or with Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

    The most reliable way to bypass Windows product activation is still the use of BIOS emulation tools to fool the operating system into thinking it has been preloaded onto an OEM system. This can be done either via software tools or through direct modification of a motherboard's BIOS. Pirates have been using BIOS loaders and OEM BIOS mods for Windows 7 for months, and of course even longer for Vista. In fact, in April 2007, Microsoft publicly stated it was analyzing BIOS hacks that were being used to bypass Windows Vista product activation but to this day many of the BIOS methods still work.

    My son cannot remember his Windows Vista login password on his laptop and we do not have a reset disk. Short of taking it to a repair center, is there any way he can crack the password himself?

    Forgot Windows Vista password? It's truly that computer users have a tendency to forget the administrator password. If you can't recall the original password, you'll be stuck at the login screen. In this article I'll show you how to crack Windows Vista password with a USB drive. In the event that you forget your password, you can easily use the USB drive to crack the password and log onto your computer.

    How to Crack Windows Vista Password with USB Drive?

    To get started, we need to find a Windows Vista password cracker utility. Here I'm going to use Reset Windows Password tool, which comes as a Live CD ISO image that can also be burned onto a USB drive. Boot your locked computer from the USB drive and you can crack Windows Vista password easily. Here is the step-by-step instructions:

    1. Download the Reset Windows Password utility onto an accessible computer. Unzip the download file, you'll find an ISO image file: ResetWindowsPwd.iso.
    2. Burn the ISO image to your USB drive using ISO2Disc tool. If you have important data on your USB drive, I recommend you make a backup firstly. The burning procedure will format the USB drive and erase all data on it.
    3. Plug your USB drive in to your Windows Vista computer whose password you want to crack.
    4. Go into the computer BIOS and set USB device as the first boot device.
    5. Turn on your computer and it will then boot from your USB drive. After a while, it will launch the Reset Windows Password utility.

    How to Bypass Windows Vista Activation

  • On the screen, choose your desired user account and then click on the Reset Password button. It will blank your forgotten password immediately.
  • Unplug the USB drive from the computer and restart it. You can then log on to Windows Vista system with a blank password.
  • That's all! If you want to set a new password for your computer to prevent unauthorized accessing, ensure that the password you are going to set is convenient for you to remember and will not be lost again.

    Prospective Windows 10 users have been complaining about a bunch of activation errors and issues with Microsoft's newest operating system ever since its release, while veteran Windows users have been unearthing new ways of completing the activation successfully.

    Folks at Bidness ETC have shared a simple method to force activate Windows 10 on your computer, after completing the checklist provided below:

    Ensure that you are updating to Windows 10 on a legitimate copy of Windows 8 or 7.1 or using a valid, purchased license key from Microsoft for clean installation.

    If you encounter any of the error messages such as 0XC004E003, 0x8007000D, 0x8007232b or 0x8007007B, it could be due to peak load on Microsoft's activation servers, which may be attributed to huge volumes of activation requests made at the time.

    In such a scenario, users are advised to re-attempt activation via force activation method as outlined below:

    Steps to force activation of Windows 10

    Step 1: Launch the Start Menu and search for Command Prompt. Then right-click it and select "Run as Administrator" from the context menu.

    Step 2: Once the Command Prompt launches, type: slmgr.vbs –rearm and hit Enter to execute the command.

    Step 3: Quit the Command Prompt window and reboot your PC.